Are you ready to stop problem behaviors

& transform your classroom?


Bring a sense of calm to your K-3 special education classroom… today so that you can stop spending time on managing behaviors and start focusing on teaching!
Stop even the most challenging problem behaviors in EVERY CHILD and give them the tools they need to be successful in the future.
Skip the deets... I'm in!

Let me guess...

You’re a passionate, driven special education teacher. You love your students and enter the classroom each day with a renewed hope that today will be a GOOD day.

  • And things start out that way, … but by 9:00, the behaviors are already starting.

  • That differentiated lesson you spent hours putting together? It’s a total loss because you had to help your para deal with a situation.

  • Your kids are refusing to complete the work, leaving the classroom, or arguing with each other. 

  • You’re starting to feel guilty about giving all of your attention to the kids struggling with behaviors and leaving behind the kids who need the most support with academics. How can you possibly support every student when their needs are so different?

  • It feels like this is only getting worse with a lack of support for you and your program and even more and more needs being tossed your way. You feel pulled in a million different directions. (Oh, and it’s time to write those IEPs!)

  • The worst part? You’ve tried it all! Behavior intervention plans, token boards, visual schedules & more!

  • As a special education teacher, you’re the resident expert in navigating challenging behavior. But even with all of your expertise, nothing seems to be working.

Imagine if...

  • You walk into your classroom, excited about the day ahead and ready to tackle any challenges that come your way.


  • Your students are excited about the class-wide management strategy and confidently move about the room, starting their day with a clear sense of what to expect.


  • As individual students bump into challenges throughout the day, they’re able to self-advocate for their needs and get help before things escalate.

  • The paraprofessionals in the room know exactly how to implement both the classroom management strategy and the individual behavior plans, helping students move through situations as a “first line of defense” before your attention is needed. 


  • As a result, you have time to spend working one on one and in small groups with students supporting them with their individual needs.


  • You feel prepared, organized, and confident in dealing with any behavior that comes your way, and you’re seamlessly collecting data to help you advocate for additional supports your students may need in the future.


  • You leave school at the end of the day feeling proud and ready for the next day.


An online course and resource library designed to help you confidently tackle any behavior challenges in your classroom.

What's included?

All the video content you need to implement easy behavior management strategies in your classroom, a resource library filled with downloadables for you to get started right away, and an exclusive Facebook group to collaborate and have your questions answered.

I need this!

What's Included in


Start here to get the most out of this course.  This module reviews the best way to get what you need now out of the course and save time.

 This will explain why this process works and depending on what step you are at, tells you where to begin to learn even more.

Resources: behavior management planning sheet, IEP toolkit

Outcome: become organized and change your mindset approach to behavior management in your classroom 

Start off by learning behavior strategies that will help to manage 80% off your problem behaviors. These are easy to implement, proven to work techniques that can be started today. Using classroom wide strategies will make you more confident that you can create a calm, well functioning classroom no matter the needs within it. Without classroom wide strategies, problem behaviors can and will occur which will interfere with learning.


  • Different ways to prevent behavior before it ever happens
  • Positive ways to change problem behavior
  • Checklists, idea lists and more to help put this into your daily practice

 Resources: expectation visuals, expectations & routines checklist, reinforcer idea list, data sheets

Outcome: develop the skills to create a strong classroom management system to avoid most problem behavior in your classr

But what happens when the classroom wide strategies aren't enough? Well, that is bound to happen.  But within this module you will learn how you can go from classroom wide strategies to targeting small groups before making the leap to individualized.  Why is this helpful? It will save you time and sanity. When there are several behaviors to manage, small group strategies can be the key to changing those problem behaviors at one time.


  • Step-by-step creation to writing behavior contracts
  • How to use the classroom wide strategy and alter it to support these students 
  • Hands-on materials that can be used in your classroom to teach replacement behaviors

Resources: behavior contracts, social emotional task boxes, data sheets

Outcome: Learn the best way to approach behaviors when the classroom wide strategy does not work. Learn how to teach skills students may be lacking and use data to further inform decisions

Now let's target those students who need the intensive behavior intervention supports.  Once you have mastered the classroom wide and small group supports, some students who used to rise to this level will have already changed their behavior.  However, there will always be a select few who require an intensive plan, and this module supports you in your planning and support.


  • Proven interventions that you can use with these students
  • How to understand why the behavior is occurring and then learn the best approach to change it
  • Teach you how to alter academics to support behavior change

Resources: token boards, token board planning sheet, visual cues for lanyards, visual schedule pieces (real and clipart), file folder activities, adapted books, math task boxes, & data sheets

Outcome: Learn how to dive deeper into why behavior occurs and develop skills to create individualized behavior plans

You have all of this new knowledge,  but you work with so many other adults. How will you ever share all of the information you learned? Not to worry, you will learn a proven step by step system to also teach the other adults you work with these new strategies.


  • Proven techniques that you can use with these adults
  • Get answers to frequently asked questions
  • Learn how to troubleshoot when things aren't working

Resources: planning sheet for implementing strategies with adults

Outcome: Learn how to put all of your new knowledge into place & teach other adults so you can have a calm classroom this year

I NEED this NOW!

5 Modules

Instant access to 5 modules of video trainings that walk you step-by-step through everything you need to change problem behavior in your integrated special education classroom

Resource Library

A complete library filled with 20+ materials to help you become organized, collect data, and materials to support students both behaviorally and academically.

Checklists & Planning Sheets

Checklists & planning sheets to keep you on track and organized &  to efficiently & effectively get all other adults on board with your new plan.

By the end of this course,

you will have

  • Expertly implemented strategies that are proven to change problem behavior

  • Developed ready-to-implement classroom management strategy

  • Grown confident in your skills when it comes to dealing with difficult behavior

  • Created a calm, organized, ready-to-learn classroom

  • Prepared both classroom-wide strategies and individualized strategies to support all learners while making your life easier

  • Prioritized learning about behavior management  to make the rest of your year run smoothly

Say no more, I'm in!



Resource Library of over 20 materials tailored to managing problem behavior valued at $250

Get everything you need to support your classroom and behavior change all in one place. This includes visual supports, task boxes, adapted books, token economies, checklists, planning, and data sheets.

This is everything you could need and more to correctly implement behavior management systems. 


Exclusive Facebook Groupvalued at $250

Access to a members-only group for those that have gone through or are currently going through this course. Sometimes only other special educators get it right?  This is a place to come together with similar-minded professionals to support, encourage, and bounce ideas off of each other. This includes lifetime access.


Professional Certificate of Completionvalued at $100


A professional certificate for your time spent that you can print out and give to your administration towards Professional Development credit or Recertification Points

* Check your district's approval process! 


Guest Trainings valued at $100

Guest trainers provide training one things such as digital data collecting and prompt hierarchy.  And get additional freebies to go with them!



"This course is a staple in understanding students' needs behaviorally, and how to best support them using researched based and data driven practices."

-Allyson B.











(a $800 value) 

Instant access to all the videos, resources, and tools!

Dive in now or go at your own pace. You have everything you need for the entire school year.

Here's what you get when you enroll today...


- The Behavior Vault- $800 value
- Exclusive Lifetime Facebook Group- $250 value
- Resource Library filled with materials -  $250 value
- Certificate of Completion- $100 value
- Guest Trainings- $100 value

 Total value: $1,500


But when you enroll today, you get everything for just $97!

Alright, Abby, I NEED this!

It will work for me guarantee!


I promise that you will gain the tools and knowledge you need to change problem behaviors in your classroom.  I have seen teachers make great shifts in their classrooms, change their mindsets, and rest easy knowing their students are getting the instruction the deserve.


I know this course will change your life. And because I believe that so much I am offering a 7 day money back guarantee.


If you have gotten into the course, looked around and it just isn't a fit for you, before you download the materials, just email me at [email protected] for a full refund! 

Frequently Asked Questions

You've answered all my Qs - I'm ready!

Still thinking about it?

Check 3 of these boxes and you're ready for the Behavior Vault!

1) You are tired, close to burning out, and need just some new strategies to tackle difficult behavior

2) You are a newer teacher and are ready to get your classroom off of the right foot

3) You are ready to take action to significantly change your classroom and impact student learning

4) You are already losing precious instruction time trying to put out fires each and every day

5) You are ready to give your students the best classroom experience possible
I am READY for a serious change!

I can't wait for you to join

The Behavior Vault.


I have been where you are. 


 I can remember my most challening class. It was my fourth year teaching and I have to admit it, I had no idea what I was doing. College had not prepared me to tackle these difficult behaviors that were interferring with my instruction... so what did I do? I went back to school specifically  for behavior.


Let me tell you, it changed my life. And I want to change yours too. Problem behavior is a constant in our classrooms, and many times we were just never taught the skills we need to deal with behavior. I want to give you all of the tools to help you be successful and have a carefree, effective classroom.